Admission Guidelines

Our Admission guidelines state that parents or guardians of any potential student are welcome to complete an application form at any time during the school year. The student will then be given an appointment for an entrance exam, which will be scheduled at their convenience. The exam will cover English Language, Mathematics, and Arabic. It may be administered to individual students or groups of students.

Immediately after the exam, both the student and parent will be interviewed by the Executive Director to determine if the student is appropriate for the rigorous program at Jeddah Knowledge International School.

The student will be accepted into the school if:

  • They pass the entrance exam. If they do not pass, they may be allowed to retake the exam at the school’s discretion.
  • They are within the appropriate age range for the grade they are applying to, according to international requirements.
  • There is available space in the grade they are applying to.

Admission to Pre-primary School (Nursery, Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten)

Parents to fill in the application form.  Preprimary students should be toilet trained.

Admission to Primary School (Grades 1 through 5)

Required Subject Proficiency


Students are required to have sufficient listening and speaking proficiency in English to follow instructions and explanations in the classroom.


Students are required to have sufficient listening and speaking proficiency in Arabic to follow instructions and explanations in the classroom.


Students must meet the standards of learning for the required level.

Admission to Middle School (Grades 6 through 8)


Students are required to have sufficient listening and speaking proficiency in English to follow instructions and explanations in the classroom. Students must be able to express their ideas in written English and read with comprehension at grade level.


Students are required to have sufficient listening and speaking proficiency in Arabic to follow instructions and explanations in the classroom. Students must be able to express their ideas in written Arabic and read with comprehension at grade level.


Students must meet the standards of learning for the required level.

Admission to Upper School (Grades 9 through 12)


Students are required to have sufficient listening and speaking proficiency in English to follow instructions and explanations in the classroom.  Students must be able to express their ideas in written English and read with comprehension at grade level.


Students are required to have sufficient listening and speaking proficiency in Arabic to follow instructions and explanations in the classroom. Students must be able to express their ideas in written Arabic and read with comprehension at grade level.


Students should have met the standards of learning of the previous years.

Grade Placement and Age Criteria

Our school adheres to the admission policy requirements as established by the international requirements which stipulates the following ages for acceptance.  By the First week of school,

Grade Minimum Age Maximum Age

3Y 6D

Date of Birth : 20/08/2020

4Y 5D

To: 19/8/2021


4Y 6D

Date of Birth : 20/8/2019

5Y 5D

To : 19/8/2020


5Y 6D

Date of Birth : 20/8/2018

6Y 5D

To : 19/8/2019

One 5.9 years 7 years (by Gregorian year)
Two 6.9 years 8 years (by Gregorian year)
Three 7.9 years 9 years (by Gregorian year)
Four 8.9 years 10 years (by Gregorian year)
Five 9.9 years 11 years (by Gregorian year)
Six 10.9 years 12 years (by Gregorian year)
Seven 11.9 years 13 years (by Gregorian year)
Eight 12.9 years 14 years (by Gregorian year)
Nine 13.9 years 15 years (by Gregorian year)
Ten 14.9 years 16 years (by Gregorian year)
Eleven 15.9 years 17 years (by Gregorian year)
Twelve 16.9 years 18 years (by Gregorian year)

Other Requirements for Admission

  • The original and a copy of the student’s birth certificate
  • A copy of Saudi ID or Residency ID (Iqama) for non-Saudis
  • A copy of the child’s vaccination certificate and completion of Health Information Document
  • 8 photos of student (4×5)
  • Previous school report cards
  • Transferees from schools within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – a student must have an Equivalence Certificate from the Ministry of Education
  • There will be no acceptance for any child who is under the appropriate age
  • Students who are transferred from another school must have the original report cards for the last two (2) years and a student file, which includes all report cards

Application and Waiting List

After successful completion of the requirements, the student may be:

  • Offered a seat to start immediately
  • Offered a seat for the new academic year
  • Placed on the waiting list at the request of the parent
  • Siblings are given preference provided all the admissions criteria are met.

Transfer Students

As students may have attended schools that apply different assessment, reporting and grade placement systems to that of JKS, it is imperative that all records from previous schools be reviewed, along with the JKS entry assessments in order to place students in the appropriate grades.  The Academic and College Counselor, Administrative Manager and/or Executive Director will make this evaluation.

Payment of Fees

Tuition fees must be paid according to admission policy requirements before students start school. Inquiries about this may be made through the school accountant.

Methods of payments (for new students) are as follows:

  • Cash
  • Cheque
  • Visa/Master Card