Boys Section Cafeteria

JKS place importance on ensuring that students have access to adequate and healthy food while at school. The school, further, ensures that Wala Atyab Cater adheres to the following standards (based on the school policy on Food Menus):

Lunch menus shall be planned by nutrient standards based on an average of one-third of the Recommended Daily Allowance for calories, protein, calcium, iron, Vitamin A and Vitamin C.
Breakfast and Lunch menus shall be planned with the goal of providing an average of no more than 30% total fats and 10% saturated fat.
Breakfast and Lunch menus shall be planned to include adequate amounts of fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and whole and enriched grains.
Food shall be prepared in ways that provide optimal nutrition and student acceptance.
Menus shall include a variety of foods, exposing students to a variety of entrée and side dish choices.
A variety of milks shall be offered daily, including low-fat and skim options.
Snacks provided to Kindergartners and participants in after-school programs shall include milk, grains, fruits and vegetables, and meat alternates.
Since food is consumed to provide nutrients, student acceptance shall be a major factor used in menu planning and menu development procedures.
Continuous professional training and medical checks shall be provided regularly for all Food Services staff.